There are five elected officials on the District Board of Supervisors; one appointed Churchill County representative, one contract employee, and one employee of the District.
The Lahontan Conservation District Board members met the second Tuesday of every month in the conference room at the Agriculture Service Center, 111 Sheckler Road Fallon, Nevada.
One of the major goals of Lahontan Conservation District is to provide information and education to agricultural producers, other land users and the general public. To achieve this goal, the District actively participated in the following:
- Clearing and Snagging along the Carson River
- Bank Stabilization and Sediment Removal along the Carson River
- Carson River Snap Shot Day
- Noxious Weed Program (offering free 2,4-D Chemical to landowners in Churchill County to help control weeds)
- Equipment Rental Program
- Annual Tree Sale (offering bare root trees and shrubs at a low cost)
- Carson River Work Days
- Annual Poster Contest (Grades K-12)
- Bench Bottom Program
- Conservation Easement