Noxious Weed Program
The goal of this project is to control the spread of Invasive/Noxious species and minimize the effect that these weeds have on the environment, the economy, and the agricultural community in Churchill County.
What’s the Big Deal?

Weeds reduce property value, create fire hazards, decrease wildlife habitat, reduce crop value, and hinder good plan growth.
The Lahontan Conservation District in conjunction with Churchill County Mosquito Vector & Weed Control, provides Base Camp Amine 4(2,4-D), a broadleaf herbicide to land owners in Churchill County. 2,4-D is used to target weeds such as White Top, Puncturevine, and Kochia.
Mix 1-2 ounces of 2,4-D per 1 gallon of water.
Surfactant (R-11) is a option to get a better kill. Surfactant lowers the surface tension of a liquid, or the interfacial tension between a liquid and a solid (the plant). When used with a chemical such as 2,4-D, Surfactant allows for better penetration of the plant, making the 2,4-D effective in killing the plant.
Mix 1-5 ounces of Surfactant per 100 gallons of water.
2,4-D is most effective when sprayed in mild weather between 65°F to 90°F.
Do not spray in wind, under trees, or around desirable broadleaf plants.
Note: 2,4-D should not be used on broadleaf crops such as Alfalfa.
How the Program Works
The amount of 2,4-D allotted is based on total numbers of acres. You are given the 2,4-D by signing the agreement and agreeing to track when you spray, how much, the location, and the weed you treated. Then just bring your tracking form back to the Lahontan Conservation District office with the empty chemical jugs and some before and after pictures of the areas you treated.
Contact the Lahontan Conservation District at 775.423.5124×101 or 111 Sheckler Rd in Fallon to get started.
Limitation of Herbicide Based on Acreage
1 to 5 Acres ——– Receive Gallon
5 to 20 Acres ——– Receive Gallons
20 to 100 Acres —– Receive Gallons
100 plus Acers —– Receive Gallons