AT 2055 SCHURZ HIGHWAY 10:00 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M.
The Lahontan Conservation District’s Tree Sale
Once again, the Lahontan Conservation District is having their annual tree sale. The plants are bare root and will range in size depending on the species selected. Substitutions will be made if sizes or species are not available. These trees are available in limited Quantity and will be available on a first come first served basis. Trees must be used for screen/ windbreak, soil erosion control, riparian restoration, or wildlife habitat improvement. Lahontan Conservation District is not responsible for trees and shrubs after trees are picked up. Deadline to place order will be March 15, 2024.
Please complete the order form and return it with your check made payable to LCD, Lahontan Conservation District, 111 Sheckler Road, Fallon, NV 89406 or email Christy.Sullivan@nv.nacdnet.net.
The trees must be picked up at the Plant Material Service Center, 2055 Schurz Highway. Pick up trees from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. on April 13, 2024. Extra and late orders pick up will be on April 15th, 2024, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Total Amount Due (25% Shipping & Handling is included in the price of the trees)
Order Form Due by March 15, 2024
AT 2055 SCHURZ HIGHWAY 10:00 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M.
CALL (775) 217-5273
with questions
Tree Name | Picture | Description | Size | Cost |
Cedar Red Juniperus Virginiana | May grow up to 50 feet. Tolerant of a wide variety of soils, acidic, alkaline, sand clay. Fruit is gray or bluish green and resembles a berry but is a cone. Good for wildlife | 18″ – 24″ | SOLD OUT | |
Late Lilac Syringa villosa | ![]() | Dense Shrub – Can grow to 9 feet tall. Very hardy. Blooms later than other lilacs. Flowers very light rosy-lilac to white. Good for screen. Regular water. | 2″ – 3″ | SOLD OUT |
Honeysuckle Lonicera tatarica | ![]() | 10 to 12 foot shrub. Salt and alkali tolerant. Yellow to pink flowers are followed by orange to red fruit utilized by birds. Regular water. | 6″ – 10″ | SOLD OUT |
American Plum Prunus americana | Grows to 8 feet. Native tall shrub which is thorny, winter-hardy, and thicket-forming. Edible fruit used to make jelly. Good for screen, wildlife. | 3+ | SOLD OUT | |
Siberian Pea Shrub Caragana arborescens | Grows to 15 feet. Bright yellow May flowers. Excellent screen or windbreak. Drought tolerant. Planted in all conditions. | 3+ | SOLD OUT | |
Buffaloberry Shepherdia argentea | ![]() | Grows to 10 feet. Thorny, thicket forming shrub. Tolerates dry, alkaline soil. Good for screen, wildlife. Native species preferable to russian olive. | 2′-3′ | SOLD OUT |
Poplar Hybrid | ![]() | Male hybrid. More ornamental, large glossy leaves. Fast growing to 75 feet. Regular water. | 3+ | SOLD OUT |
Silver Maple Acer saccharinum | ![]() | Fast growing. Graceful habit with silvery bark. Tolerates wide variety of soils, but reaches largest size in moist soils. 40 to 100 feet. | 3′ – 4′ | SOLD OUT |
Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanic a | ![]() | Vigorous, well shaped, excellent for dense shade. Very hardy. Ideal tree to plant along roads and streets or in landscape. Grows up to 50 to 60 feet. pH adaptable. | 2′-3′ | SOLD OUT |
Crabapple Midwest Manchurian | ![]() | Small, rounded tree 15 – 25 feet. White flowers in May followed by small yellow to red fruit. Drought – 3 feet $3.50 and alkali tolerant. Good for screen, wildlife. | 3’+ | SOLD OUT |
Red Osier Dogwood (Camus Sericea) | Grows 7 to 1 O feet. Colorful all year. Grows, rapidly to multi-stem shrub. Ideal for holding soil. | 2-3′ | SOLD OUT | |
Hackberry Celtis occidentalis | Medium to large tree with a spreading crown, grows to 50 feet. Small red fruit. Drought and alkali tolerant. Good for screen, wildlife. | 2-3′ | $SOLD OUT | |
Black Currant Ribes americanum | Grows to 5 feet. Fragrant yellow flowers, dark purple to black fruit. Native. Regular water. Good for screen, wildlife | 10″ – 24″ | SOLD OUT | |
Chokecherry Prunus virginana | Native, suckering shrub grows to 20 feet. White flowers followed by fruit suitable for jelly or wildlife. Alkali tolerant. Good screen. | 3′ + | SOLD OUT | |
Bur Oak Quercus acrocarpa | Adaptable, long lived tree. Grows to 60 feet. Distinctive burred caps on acorns. Good for screen, wildlife. | 3′ + | $3.50 | |
Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia | Fast Growing adaptable tree. Grows to 60 feet tall. Tolerates dry, alkaline soil. White, fragrant flowers. Good for screen, wildlife, erosion control. | Unavailable | ||
Honeylocust Gledisia triacanthos inermis | Grows to 60 feet. Drought and alkali tolerant. Good for screen and wildlife | 2′ – 3′ | SOLD OUT | |
Russian Mulberry Marus alba tartarica | Extremely dense, round topped tree with bright green leaves. Grows rapidly in poor, dry soil. Good for shade and windbreak | 2′ -3′ | SOLD OUT | |
American Sycamore Platanus occidentalis | Large shade tree, Fast growing and long life tree. Tolerant of adverse urban conditions. | 3′- 4′ | $9.70 | |
Rocky Mountain Juniper Juniperus scopulorum | Evergreen. Grows to 30 feet. Silverblue-green foliage. Survives well in hot dry summers. Good for screen and wildlife | T-Pot $13.50 |