Carson Truckee Water Conservancy District
Carson Water Subconservancy District, will be funding a project for $29,500.00 in 2024. Lahontan Conservation District will be working with TCID to expand the river channel to the natural water flow. Removing vegetation, sediment (sand bars) at Sheckler Bridge, Highway 50 Bridge, and Bafford Bridge helps prevent flooding in Churchill.

Carson Truckee Water Conservancy District
Carson Truckee Water Conservancy District, funded a project for $20,000.00 in 2020. LCD worked with TCID to expand the river channel to the natural water flow. The sediment from the river is causing flooding to the low-lying fields. Removing sediment and widening the river channel from Sagouspe Dam to the Wolf Dam will improve the functionality and management of the lower Carson River. Work was done in November 2019